
Dr Gerry’s Coco Nectar 200ml (300g)


The superfood coco nectar from the coconut flower is an all-natural medifood supplement that:

✓ Bursts with vitamins & minerals, and more amino acids than animal protein, vegetables, or even bee honey
✓ Helps fortify the immune system and fight diseases
✓ Helps promote tissue repair and regeneration
✓ Helps soothe rashes and skin breaks
✓ Helps relieve discomfort brought about by hyperacidity
✓ Has a low glycemic index ideal for diabetics’ blood sugar management

A toast to coconut farmers: The Philippines’ warm, balmy climate made us one of the world’s top coconut producers. Because of its high value, farmers may harvest coco nectar yields of as much as 10 times their income from copra production.